LemonBox Ordering & Payment
Alibaba Cloud Warm Silver Generation
Co-creating Jianshui Purple Pottery
CampaiGo AR Urban Adventure
TaleVision BLV Children Multimodal Learning
SoothEase Interactive Bra
a data-driven UX designer & HCI researcher
bringing changes to social networks and people in need
Selected Projects
LemonBox Ordering and Payment Flow Redesign
UI/UX | D2C | APP | Health & Wellbeing | Usability Testing | Product Management | Data Analysis | Launched
Alibaba Cloud Design Principles for Elderly-Oriented Products
UI/UX | B2C | Accessibility | Design Principle | Launched
Co-creation Platform for Intangible Cultural Heritage Crafts
UI/UX | B2C/B2B | Web | Intangible Cultural Heritage | Digital Fabrication | Information Visualization
CampaiGo AR Urban Social Adventure
UX Design | B2C | APP | Augmented Reality | Social Media
TaleVision: Multi-modal Storytelling Interface for Blind & Low Vision Children
Product Design | Accessibility | EdTech | HCI Research | Gamification | Prototyping | Gen AI
Intelligent Bra for Relieving Breast Engorgement Pains on the Go
Product Design | Wearable | User Research | Health & Wellbeing | Arduino | Prototyping
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